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  • Why the name "Parakeet"?
    Parakeets are small and unassuming birds. Many people are surprised to find that they're quite intelligent. We found this to be a fitting representation of our team.
  • Is Parakeet a contractor?
    Parakeet is a project developer and program consultant that partners with licensed contractors and engineers throughout the state of California to provide you with the best solution possible.
  • My company is already a TradePro with PG&E/SCE/SDG&E – is Parakeet our competitor?
    Nope! We are big believers in the power of synergy, especially in the world of energy efficiency and sustainability. We provide a unique set of skills to add value to your project, not take away from it. Several of our existing partners are active TradePros, and some are even utility-contracted third-party implementers.
  • My business/agency is looking into some retrofit projects, but we have our own contractors and vendors selected or have a policy in place to procure them – can we still work with Parakeet?
    Absolutely! We have strong connections with professionals throughout the state that we can introduce you to if requested, but we’re also happy to work with your existing vendors.
  • Does Parakeet provide audits?
    Audits are not part of our typical service offering. However, we’d be happy to refer you to one of our trusted partners to provide services outside of our scope.
  • What are your fees?
    Our fees are dependent upon multiple factors, including scope of services needed, project size and program pathway. The great news is that our fees can be covered by On-Bill Financing (OBF) loans as an eligible project development and application management cost. We understand that no one likes uncertainties, so we encourage you to reach out for a complimentary consultation so that we can provide you with a customized quote.
  • What types of projects do you work on?
    We work on non-residential energy efficiency retrofit projects; this includes customers in both the public and private sectors. Our projects have involved lighting, HVAC, controls and refrigeration measures. No project is too small or too large for us (so long as it qualifies for a program).
  • Which programs do you work through?
    The bulk of our projects qualify for On-Bill Financing (OBF) loans through one of the IOUs. But we also work through rebate and incentive programs, such as the Market Access Program (MAP), Summer Reliability Program (SRP) and Illuminate California.
  • What regions do you work in?
    While we’re based in the greater Los Angeles area, we work on projects throughout the state of California across all utility service territories.
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